Hello all, Here is an update on music events for 5th - 12 grades. With all the covid restrictions our capacity at social events is down to 50. We can not have a live concert. I apologize about this, but we are still busy working on music for our programs. We will have them recorded and put them up here on the website when we record. I know it is not the same, but it will be still fun to enjoy some holiday music and see the students perform. If you have any questions please email me at mrsschweitzer@nedrose.com
over 3 years ago, Becky Schweitzer
Cookie Dough is here!! Thanks to the strong 3rd graders for helping us get it in the building! We will sort and hopefully be ready by 3!!
over 3 years ago, Alex Schmaltz
Cookie dough boxes
Update: We will be having our parent meeting for 9th -12th grade Girls' basketball on Wednesday, November 11th at 5:30 P.M. We will meet in the commons or via zoom. T Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73718476965?pwd=bVppOEpGemhwOFJkd1FoeUZBSUlvZz09 Meeting ID: 737 1847 6965 Passcode: nhsball1 If you can not make it please let Mr. Hanson or myself know via email: matthanson2692@gmail.com or mrsschweitzer@nedrose.com
over 3 years ago, Becky Schweitzer
Hey Cardinal Families!!!! Do you have old hats, gloves, snow pants, or coats laying around in a tub or closet? Put them to good use! As the temperatures get colder, our very own cardinal families need a little help fighting the weather. We are looking for donations of any snow gear size 6 and above, especially hats and gloves! You can send them with your child or drop them off at Door #6. We will of course wash all items before using them! Please help us take care of our own!
over 3 years ago, Alex Schmaltz
Snow Gear
Cookie dough will be delivered on Thursday, Nov. 12. Pick up times will be from 3 p.m.- 6 p.m. at the elementary for those that sold. If you cannot be there at that time to pick it up, please contact your child's teacher. We do not have a lot of freezer room so please make arrangements. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, Alex Schmaltz
We’re thrilled to announce Nedrose School District’s new app! It’s everything Nedrose Schools, in your pocket. With the new app, you can access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/302GWHa or iPhone: https://apple.co/2RQNVia.
over 3 years ago, Alex Schmaltz
The varsity volleyball team will be in action home tonight. They will take on TGU in the District 11 loser out game at 7:00pm. You must have a pass to attend. If you are unable to attend due to our restrictions, check out our Youtube page to watch the game live! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb-DqJRU5JSraO09SnVo3Ww/featured?view_as=subscriber Go Cardinals!
over 3 years ago, Brock Zietz
They even found Guy!
over 3 years ago, Alex Schmaltz
4th and 5th grade teachers in costumes
Nedrose FBLA is asking you to support the AHA by donating by October 31. Visit the link on the poster or text NDFBLA to 71777. Be sure to choose Nedrose and help AHA, as well as our chapter receive the most donations.
over 3 years ago, Erika Landro
FBLA Fall Fundraiser
Mrs. Paul's first grade class made monsters!
over 3 years ago, Nicole Paul
Monster Art
Nedrose FFA gearing up for our virtual National FFA Convention!
over 3 years ago, Shonda Gasmann
Nedrose FFA Officer Team
Welcome to the new website for Nedrose Public School District! Look for more information to come about our new app as well. If you have an updated email address or phone number since enrolling your child(ren), please make sure you contact the office so you can take advantage of the new features we will be rolling out!
over 3 years ago, Chelsey Raymond