PT Conf.

Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, March 4th from 3:30 - 9:00 pm.  Conferences will be held in person at both the elementary and high school buildings.  Elementary teachers have sent links to sign up via Remind or Seesaw apps. Parent of middle and high school students can sign up using the links below. Due to the limited number of spaces available, we ask that you sign up for only the teachers you feel it necessary to speak with due to behavioral or academic concerns. If you have concerns you feel can be answered via a phone call or email, you are free to utilize those options as well. We look forward to seeing you and continuing to work together to provide a great education for our students!

Mrs. Bahm:

Miss Braunberger:

Ms. Castillo:

Mrs. Collette:

Miss Fliginger:

Miss Gasmann:

Mrs. Howard:

Mrs. Kent:

Mr. Kittelson:

Mrs. Landphere:

Ms. Landro:

Mrs. Leintz:

Miss McMillan:

Mrs. Olson:

Mrs. Robinson:

Mrs. Schapp:

Mrs. Schweitzer:

Mr. Streitz:

Mr. Weidler:

Mrs. Werre:

Mr. Zietz: